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Natural Passion (Au Naturel Trilogy Book 1) Page 22

  Her pouty lips tightened, and her brows drew together. "Is something wrong? Is this the wrong day? Sometimes I do that, I get the dates messed up and show up at the wrong time."

  "I— whuh—" Yeah, those were the first syllables I spoke to the prettiest girl I'd ever seen. Shit. What was wrong with me? I still held her hand in mine, and her skin was so soft.

  She squinted at my chest, then swung her gaze up to mine. "It's nice to meet you, Oliver."

  How did she know my name? I glanced at my chest. Duh. The name tag pinned to my shirt told her.

  Time to suck it up and act like a mature adult.

  I rolled my shoulders back and released her hand. "Yes, I'm Oliver Jackson, the assistant manager. You can call me Ollie if you want. Let me get your bags for you."

  "Thank you, Oliver."

  "Open the trunk," I said to Phil. The lid popped up right when I reached the trunk. Inside it lay four large suitcases and one smaller case. Who brought this much clothes to a naturist resort? Maybe she had a shoe fetish and brought her entire collection. I hefted the suitcases out of the trunk and set them down alongside the driveway. Shutting the door, I called to Phil, "Thanks, man. See you next time."

  Phil backed up and turned around, waving as he headed off down the driveway.

  I waved back. Picking up two of the large suitcases, I stifled a grunt. Damn, these things weighed a ton each. I'd have to come back for the rest.

  "Follow me," I said and started lugging the bags toward the guest house.

  Mara Severins toddled after me, her high heels making it harder for her to walk across the gravel drive and the dirt path to the guest house.

  I slowed down to let her catch up. "Might be easier if you take off your shoes."

  "Right." She smiled shyly and removed her shoes, carrying one in each hand. "I'm not used to the outdoors since I live in Philadelphia, but that's why I came here. To commune with nature or whatever."

  "You can definitely do that here."

  When we reached the guest house door, she held it open for me.

  "Sorry, that's supposed to be my job," I said, lugging the suitcases across the threshold.

  "My fault. I overpacked. Always do."

  The door shut behind us.

  She pulled in a deep breath, her eyelids sliding half shut, and blew out the breath she'd held. "Mmm, I smell food. Haven't eaten since I left Philly early this morning."

  "The other guests are having lunch. Why don't you join them while I take your things upstairs? They're nice people, and they love meeting new guests."

  "You don't mind? I mean, I'm leaving you to carry my bags. I know they're heavy."

  "It's my job." I nodded toward the door a dozen feet down the hall. "Dining hall's in there. Go on, have fun."

  She smiled, and her cheeks dimpled. "Thank you, Oliver."

  I readjusted the load I was carrying, unable to stop myself from admiring her backside while she trotted toward the dining hall door. She had a great ass.

  Mara swerved into the dining hall.

  And screamed.

  I dropped the suitcases and bolted to the doorway.

  Mara had stopped a few inches inside. Her shoes lay on the floor where she must've dropped them. Her mouth gaped, and her eyes bulged.

  The other guests stared at her but seemed more confused than scared.

  She stammered wordlessly before she managed to squeak out, "W-what is this place?"

  I came up alongside her, touching her arm. "What's wrong? Are you having an epileptic seizure or something? I can take you to the hospital if—"

  "No, I'm not having a seizure." Her voice sounded breathy. She squeezed her eyes shut and turned toward me. "Why is everyone naked?"

  "Oh. Yeah, that. I know at some naturist resorts the guests dress for meals, but here we have a less formal way of doing things." I studied her face, which she had scrunched up tight. "Are you sure you're okay?"

  "Fine. Yes." The syllables were clipped. She pried her lids apart to look at me. "Why would birdwatchers eat in the nude?"

  "Birdwatchers? Some of our guests enjoy doing that, but what's clothing got to do with it?"

  "Everyone is naked."

  "Uh, yeah, that's kind of the point." I laughed, trying to sound casual though I'd started to feel uncomfortable. "This is a naturist resort."

  She threw her hands up, huffing. "Like that explains it?"

  "Well, sure it does."

  Mara stalked out into the hallway where she couldn't see into the dining hall.

  I followed her. "I'm confused. Why are you so upset that all the naturists are naked?"

  "Because—" She flapped her arms and huffed again. "Public nudity is illegal."

  "This isn't public. It's a private resort." I held up my hands, trying for a conciliatory tone. "Listen, you can dress for meals. Nobody will care."

  Jeez, I'd never met an uptight naturist before. She was beautiful, but I'd started to think she might have a few screws loose.

  "Oh, how generous," she said in a haughty tone. She scrunched up her face harder than before, her lip curling. "I'm allowed to wear clothes if I want. Shouldn't you be more concerned about disturbing all the other guests who don't want to eat surrounded by naked people?"

  "Um, those are all the other guests in there."

  "Everyone eats in the nude?" She grasped her head in her hands, her eyes wild, seeming on the verge of a nervous breakdown. "What kind of place is this?"

  "It's a naturist resort." I touched her arm. "Relax. This is a clothing-optional resort, not a clothes-free one. You can take your time getting acclimated before you ditch the clothes. You haven't done this much, have you?"

  "Done what?"

  "Gone nude."

  She lowered her hands, her gaze narrowing. "What do you mean it's a clothing-optional resort? I thought this was a naturist retreat."

  "It is." A realization dawned on me, and I raised my brows. "What exactly do you think a naturist resort is?"

  "A place where people go to enjoy nature and see the wildlife."

  Seriously? I stifled a groan. "Miss Severins, you're at a nudist resort."

  Her eyes bulged again as her face went pale. Her knees began to wobble.

  And she fainted.

  I caught her. "Miss Severins?"

  Her lids fluttered open. "Nudist?"

  "Yeah, that's right. Some of us prefer naturist, though."

  She closed her eyes and moaned.

  I helped her to her feet. "How did you not know? It says right on our website, and on every travel site where we're listed."

  "Never saw any website. I hired a travel agent to book my vacation. She said this was a place where birdwatchers and other nature lovers come to enjoy the outdoors."

  "Sorry. I don't know where she got that idea." I glanced at her suitcases. "You want to go home right away?"

  "I can't." She threw head back and moaned again. "I bought nonrefundable, round-trip airline tickets. Are there any motels in town?"

  "Sure, but they're all booked up. The Renaissance fair is this week."

  Mara slumped against the wall.

  "I'll take your bags up to your room," I said. "And if you still don't feel comfortable eating in the dining hall, I can bring food to your room."

  She managed a weak smile. "You're a good man, Oliver. How did you ever wind up working at a nudist retreat?"

  I tried not to wince. She must've assumed I always wore clothes since I was wearing them now. The rude awakening could wait until later, after she'd calmed down and gotten used to the idea everyone else around here was naked.

  "Never know," I said as I hefted her suitcases off the floor. "You might decide to give naturism a try."

  She straightened and smoothed her dress. "I doubt that."

  Mara Severins lifted her chin and marched off down the hallway barefoot.

  I snagged her shoes from the dining hall and hurried after her. An u
ptight city girl at a naturist resort? Oh yeah, this would be tons of fun.


  Ollie and Mara will return in Natural Impulse.

  About the Author

  Anna Durand loves romance, men in kilts, and cheesecake. Not always in that order. She slaves away every day writing about sexy people doing sexy things together, with heart and humor and sometimes with suspense. With paranormal stories, she explores the darker side of romance. With contemporary romance, she delves into the emotional side of love and sensuality.

  Readers and reviewers have blessed Anna's books with wonderful reviews, giving her a nice glowy feeling that she's doing something right. Her books have become bestsellers on every major retail site, hitting #1 multiple times. The Hot Scots series remains Anna's personal favorite and a favorite among her fans. Who can resist a hunky Scotsman?

  Anna also has a master's degree in library science, so naturally, she made Calli in Wicked in a Kilt a librarian too. For twelve years and counting, Anna has run a cataloging services company that creates cataloging-in-publication data for other authors and publishers. And when she's not doing that or writing, you'll find her binging on audiobooks, playing with puppies, or crafting handmade jewelry.

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  Other Books by Anna Durand

  Fired Up

  Dangerous in a Kilt (Hot Scots, Book One)

  Wicked in a Kilt (Hot Scots, Book Two)

  Scandalous in a Kilt (Hot Scots, Book Three)

  The MacTaggart Brothers Trilogy (Hot Scots, Books 1-3)

  Gift-Wrapped in a Kilt (Hot Scots, Book Four)

  Notorious in a Kilt (Hot Scots, Book Five)

  Lethal in a Kilt (Hot Scots, Book Seven)

  The Mortal Falls (Undercover Elementals, Book One)

  The Mortal Fires (Undercover Elementals, Book Two)

  The Mortal Tempest (Undercover Elementals, Book Three)

  The Janusite Trilogy (Undercover Elementals, Books 1-3)

  Willpower (Psychic Crossroads, Book One)

  Intuition (Psychic Crossroads, Book Two)

  Kinetic (Psychic Crossroads, Book Three)

  Passion Never Dies: The Complete Reborn Series

  Reborn to Die (Reborn, Part One)

  Reborn to Burn (Reborn, Part Two)

  Reborn to Avenge (Reborn, Part Three)

  Reborn to Conquer (Reborn, Part Four)

  The Falls

  Connect with Anna Durand

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  Copyright © 2020 by Lisa A. Shiel

  All rights reserved.

  The characters and events in this book are fictional. No portion of this book may be copied, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, including recording, photocopying, or inclusion in any information storage and retrieval system, without the express written permission of the publisher and author, except for brief excerpts quoted in published reviews.

  ISBN: 978-1-949406-17-7 (paperback)

  ISBN: 978-1-949406-16-0 (ebook)

  ISBN: 978-1-949406-18-4 (audiobook)

  Jacobsville Books

  Publisher's Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  provided by Five Rainbows Cataloging Services

  Names: Durand, Anna.

  Title: Natural passion / Anna Durand.

  Description: Lake Linden, MI : Jacobsville Books, 2020. | Series: Au naturel trilogy, bk. 1.

  Identifiers: ISBN 978-1-949406-17-7 (paperback) | ISBN 978-1-949406-16-0 (ebook) | ISBN 978-1-949406-18-4 (audiobook)

  Subjects: LCSH: Nudism--Fiction. | Nudist camps--Fiction. | Brazilians--Fiction. | Man-woman relationships--Fiction. | Oregon--Fiction. | Romance fiction. | BISAC: FICTION / Romance / Romantic Comedy. | FICTION / Romance / Contemporary. | FICTION / Romance / Multicultural & Interracial. | GSAFD: Love stories. | Humorous fiction.

  Classification: LCC PS3604.U724 N38 2020 (print) | LCC PS3604.U724 (ebook) | DDC 813/.6--dc23.